Who We Are

Meet Haylie Lapinskas, Owner, and Interior Designer of HaylieRead Design

Haylie is a registered Interior Designer and received her bachelor’s degree from Iowa State University in Interior Design. She started HaylieRead Design back in early 2020 and has been studying and practicing Interior Design for over 10 years.

Haylie started HaylieRead Design at a time when the world began to turn upside down. Haylie planted her feet in the ground and decided it was not an option to turn back. In the face of the early Covid 19 pandemic, she created something that not only fosters happiness in the home but also promotes growth and strength.

Haylie lives with her husband and fur babies in Downers Grove, IL. Her favorite part of the process is meeting families and connecting with them through their journey. Creating lasting spaces and relationships.

“Glad you are here”
- Haylie lapinskas
Silvanna Wanner | Senior Interior Designer

Silvanna graduated from the Illinois Institute of Art with a diploma in Residential Planning. Silvanna‘s role at HaylieRead Design embodies her extensive experience in project management, product knowledge, and design.

For fun, you’ll find Silvanna experimenting with new recipes, and sipping on Spanish wines. All while spending time with her daughter and husband, vibin to great tunes.

Lea Valaitis | Interior Designer

Lea received her bachelor’s degree in Interior Design from Iowa State University. While in college, she studied in Rome, Italy for a semester which ignited her passion for experiencing new cultures and admiring different types of design. Lea’s approach to design comes from the idea that people’s lives should be enhanced by the spaces in which they use.

Outside of HaylieRead, Lea enjoys yoga, reading, and playing with her furry pup pup Turbo.

Lea Valaitis | Interior Design Assistant

Lea received her bachelor’s degree in Interior Design from Iowa State University. While in college, she studied in Rome, Italy for a semester which ignited her passion for experiencing new cultures and admiring different types of design. Lea’s approach to design comes from the idea that people’s lives should be enhanced by the spaces in which they use.

Outside of HaylieRead, Lea enjoys yoga, reading, and playing with her furry pup pup Turbo.

We Are

Relevant but not trendy

Stylish but not Unobtainable

intuitive but not mind readers

Relaxed but not impromptu

What do we do?

HaylieRead Design is your partner for design, including residential renovations and new construction, commercial design, and decorating. HaylieRead offers a wide range of services to provide a curated design package for each specific project.

View our Services

What Makes HaylieRead Different?

HaylieRead goes beyond the pretty picture. Having the registration and an extensive design background, HaylieRead is able to make a beautiful design transform into a reality. HaylieRead offers a unique solution-based approach, ensuring the creation of a space that is truly reflective of each client’s personal haven.

our motto
“Create a space where every corner and detail has been thought through and personalized. Design is tangible, reliable, and thoughtful.”

What’s inspiring us today?  

Check out our social media to learn about design inspiration and your daily dose of design candy